Sorry to disappoint, but the title of this post is slightly misleading. Unfortunately for you, you might get bored before I get to anything positive! The good news: I have a little story to tell - try to follow my stretched metaphor.
The next time I saw the ball it was resting on the air conditioning unit that cools my apartment, so I was not only annoyed that someone had inconsiderately left their ball behind, but then the "What Ifs" started flying around in my anxious head. "What if the a/c catches fire?", "What if it melts to the a/c, and we have to pay for a new unit?", "What if the whole building explodes because of this beach ball?!" Once that negative, worst-case-scenario spiral starts, it is hard to control! So I pushed it towards their car again; only this time, the wind was gusting that day and before I could walk away from the nuisance, it had blown into a corner of the building where we had recently had some water problems. So, you guessed it, the "What Ifs" started right back up, "What if the ball clogs a pipe?", "What if I'm the one that causes it?", and so on. So, of course, I pushed it and ran into the house, before I could see where it landed.

Then, tonight at the end of an ongoing conversation I've been having with Billy about how negative I tend to be, how I find the bad in everything, how I worry to the point of exhaustion, I remembered what my Dad used to make me do once I'd spit out something judgmental or negative about someone or something "Now, say 3 nice things about...". Ouch! I knew it was coming if he was around to hear my ugly words, but it was always a slap in the face.
My first thought was, "I better get out there tomorrow and practice my photography on that bright and colorful ball. I'll put it on my blog and post something positive". My second thought was more of a realization: I tried to control that ball, I let the "What Ifs" get the best of me, and ultimately, regardless of what I did to make sure it didn't cause anyone harm, it was out of my control and in the hands of God.
I guess God will use just about anything, including a silly ball, to get his message across to me!
Here goes: My negativity brings me, and everyone around me, down, but
- God is so good!
- My husband loves me!
- Someone will read this and understand my thought process!
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7
Well, you certainly know that I can relate to this. It is so hard for me to not worry...about everything. I remember reading on someone else's blog that they also struggled with this but tried to remember that worry is a sin and is Satan's way of trying to break down your faith. God does not want us to worry. That doesn't mean it's easy to stop though ;)
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate to the obsessing of something and building it up in your mind to be more of a problem than it really is. Even though it's hard to change your thought process, I find it helps to remind myself to put things into perspective. Remember it's a beach ball! :)