I took Billy with me the day we decided to start our garden on our itty bitty back porch of our condo. Walmart has a great selection of vegetables and herbs, so while I picked out the type of tomatoes I wanted, Billy found zucchini and yellow squash plants he wanted me to try. I didn't realize at the time that plenty of land and soil is the key to a good garden. We bought a nice window planting pot and figured we'd put all of the five plants in that pot. As I was planting all of the vegetables, I began to read the directions and realized that I might want to plant less than 5 vegetables in that small amount of soil. I found myself buying more pots and spending a little more $ than anticipated, but eventually it'll be worth it...
Above are the blooms of my zucchini plant. At first, I thought I wouldn't get anything except beautiful flowers from these plants, but apparently (as I have found with the tomatoes) the vegetable comes from the bloom. Unfortunately, the blooms above fell off after a storm, and though my zucchini plant is producing more blooms, I haven't seen a vegetable from them yet. My mother-in-law says they have to be pollinated by a bee from another plant - which makes sense except when the plants started to grow so big, I separated the zucchini from the squash and the squash are in the front of the house. The zucchini is lonely, but I've noticed several sprouts (hopefully of more zucchini plants) coming from the soil around it, so maybe the bees are doing something right!
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